Without Partiality


      Jesus was a "people person." His entire ministry was to people, about people and for people. He showed an enormous amount of love, compassion and respect for human kind. Christ was both loved and hated. Loved for who He was and what He did. Hated by those who would not accept the message He taught. Even though at times Jesus was mistreated and scorned, He always treated people the way God meant for men to treat each other.


      "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 6:10.)


      One particular event that teaches much about how we should treat people is the encounter with the woman at the well, found in John chapter four. There are several things in this story that offer teaching on how we should treat folks.


      One of the first things that draws attention is the fact that this woman was from Samaria. Jewish folks did not like Samaritan folks. Jesus totally ignored the way society viewed this woman and showed her the proper respect she deserved. Secondly, we learn that this woman was living with a man she was not married to. That translates to fornication, which translates to sin. She was living a life of sin. Even after knowing all these things about the women Jesus still thought her to be worthy of teaching.


      There are lessons we need to learn. Our society classifies people according to wealth, position, race, etc. Jesus did not allow a person's social classification to hinder Him from sharing words of life with them. We too should not allow social classification to determine who we share the gospel with. Everybody needs Jesus. We are not to decide who needs the Words of Life and who does not. Every single person in the whole world needs Jesus. Read James 2:1-13. Preach the Word, without partiality.


- - - - Josh Webster